(Tribune photos by Donavan McIntosh)

Sir Godfrey Kelly, the last United Bahamian Party Cabinet Minister surviving, died at the age of 93 on 10 February 2022. As a former Cabinet Minister and former Member of the House and Senate, he was entitled upon death to certain courtesies, including a state funeral and to lie in state either in the Senate or the House. The privileges were not extended to his family because there was no outreach from the officials to the family. In the House of Assembly on Wednesday 16 February 2022, Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell indicated that he had discovered that there had been no outreach and expressed regret over the fact to the family. The Prime Minister Philip Davis and Myles Laroda spoke as well to express regret. The funeral took place as a private memorial at the Christ Church Cathedral on Friday 18 February 2022. The government was represented by Fred Mitchell, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Obie Wilchcombe, the Minister for Social Services. Also present were Leader of the Opposition Michael Pintard and former Prime Ministers Perry Christie and Hubert Ingraham.