The FNM should go hide in a hole now that the Carnival has been an unqualified success. Look at the pictures from Saturday night 9th May:
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Looking from the air on Friday night 8th May at Clifford Park
The PLP Government is displaying consistant courage and focus to its initiatives..they are not tepid about anything when it comes to what might be Best for the Bahamian People!The Opposition is still being led by, No,Don’t Do It!
I think the team for the C arnival has done a good job I know there is room for improvement but it is the first one ,and if it is any indication of what a carnival is I cant wait for next year if God spares are lives so hats off to the prime minister and his crew for a job well done don’t mind the negative talks I was there to two concerts Friday and Saturday night and the road march I say it was off the chain