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cialis generic treatment times;”>Daphne Campbell, the sort of loony tune Florida state representative, who called for a boycott of The Bahamas over the new immigration rules that were announced on 1st November, has had the temerity to write the Bahamian Consul General in Miami to ask for a meeting with him to discuss matters involving the deportation of Haitians from The Bahamas. The Consul General demurred. Ricardo Treco, the Consul General wrote: “ While I am prepared to meet with you to discuss your concerns, I am only prepared to do so after you publicly withdraw your call for a boycott of The Bahamas as well as other defamatory remarks you made.”
While I respect the right of the Bahamas to protect its borders, the arbitrary oppression against people born in the Bahamas (to foreign parents) is a source of contention. This reminds me so much of Aparthied and Jim Crow. That’s right, we’re on the wrong side of history on this, Bahamas.
Mr. Sawyer bears the surname of old Abaco racists. And their mentality too: jump on the band-wagon of the sensational and attention-getter without investigating the facts.
Haitians are not all alike and a small number of forgers and crooks with connections to thefts at the Passport Office like the incident when a churchman went to the Magistrate’s Court to post bail for an alleged thief justify tighter scrutiny of Haitian applications to be regularized. Daphne Campbell should speak out on that while addressing her pending legal matters and removing questions of her own ethics (or lack of it).