So the final two candidates are in the gate for the race for the leadership of the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom and the Prime Ministership of the country. The winner will become the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The two are Rishi Sunak and the other Elizabeth Truss. Mrs. Truss is expected to win. They say that Boris Johnson, the now Prime Minister, in an act of revenge will throw the support of his supporters against Mr. Sunak who Mr. Johnson blames for challenging him and destroying his tenure in office. No one has much faith in Liz Truss though. She published a document last week in which she saw the Commonwealth as the substitute for the bad trade decisions made in exiting the European Union. This is British pipe dreaming. Anyway, our bet is still on Mrs. Truss. We do not think that the British will in this lifetime elect an Asian to be their Prime Minister.