Despite the protestations by the Minister of National Security, there is no question that the spate of criminal activities, particularly here in New Providence is unabated. Our citizens have a right to be concerned. Daily, there are reports of Armed Robberies, home invasions, rapes, some of which are happening in broad daylight.
The murder count for just the first two months of the year is reported to be around sixteen. This is unacceptable for a city and a country of our size and population. The number of guns and ammunition being seized by the Police are increasing and while some of the offenders are arrested and charged, many go unchecked.
We are concerned about the proliferation of guns on our streets and if, as the Minister of National Security is saying, that the latest technology is being employed to detect, combat and halt the proliferation in illegal weapons, why then is it increasing? Is there a flaw in the strategy? After all, the minister claims to have all of the answers and we most certainly hope he will find an answer to this serious issue of public safety.
On the recent spate of crimes against our women and girls, I am completely
outraged by the sudden and frequent outpouring of headlines bearing bold
misogynistic incidents throughout our nation surfacing of late.
It is very difficult for me to sit through headlines of women being preyed upon. Stories of women being shoved into their homes as they attempt to end their day in peace, molested, raped and tortured and then to read further only to find serial rapists being released from prison which purely adds salt to a fresh and active wound for many Bahamian women. We have to do better as a nation.
As a father and a husband, I can’t help but to become riddled with fear for my girls who as adults come and go as any of these victims do; to and from work, the grocery store, business meetings all alone. The mere thought of having a similar incident penetrate my home by extension is unbearable.
The reality is that a male cannot always be at their side, so how do we protect them? How do we ensure that our sisters, wives, the mothers of our born and unborn are kept safe?
As a government, it is our primary duty to protect our citizens. Casting blame is not the solution but rather a vehicle for the problem and therefore we propose that you implement those proposals that you promised in your campaign and in your manifesto of which I now remind you:
-heightened neighborhood patrol
-complementary whistles
-an online predator listing that is updated regularly
-active neighborhood cameras
We believe these suggestions were all breathing parts of the manifesto provided by our existing Government in 2017; forcing them into thee very seats in which they sit. Perhaps as a country, demanding the execution of their promises is the order of the day.