The Bahamas Baptist Missionary and Education Convention
There is said to be an issue brewing which may lead to the breakup of the largest Baptist group in the country. The Bahamas Baptist Missionary and Education Convention which is the supra body of all Baptists in The Bahamas may be headed for schism. The recent reelection of William Thompson as head of the Mission has led to the opening up of fracture lines
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. The first crack was that of Anthony Carroll of Antioch Baptist who was unceremoniously removed before his time as the head openly attacked his successor Rev. Thompson. The action of Rev. Carroll’s removal upset the St. John’s Native Baptist Church part of the mission. Then in the recent decision on a successor to the First Baptist Church of former pastor Earle Francis, sildenafil rx there was dissatisfaction with how that was handled. This upset the Union Baptists. This has led reportedly to a letter being written which says that the Salem Union Baptists may be withdrawing their support for the Convention. There are four main groups in the Convention: Salem Union, viagra sales unhealthy Bethel Baptist Union, St John’s Native Baptist’s and Zion Baptist. Watch this space. Rev. Thompson is said to be a strong as a monkey’s tail, unmovable, always abiding in the Lord.