The Attorney General Also Says
So it is clear that The Bahamas constitution, cialis for sale together with the statute laws of The Bahamas and Privy Council rulings on gender effectively render same sex marriages unconstitutional, prescription therefore illegal. As for the argument that the insertion of the word “sex” opens the door for same sex marriage, there is simply no legal foundation to support this suggestion, fear or concern and the perpetrators of this piece of misinformation have not provided the legal foundation on which this so called argument is supposedly built. From all indications, the argument is merely a false and fabricated premise, being used as a pretext to inject the highly emotive topic of same sex marriage into the national debate to create confusion and fear and to deflect from the salient constitutional issues at hand which is the expansion of personal rights and freedoms to men, women and children, thereby guaranteeing equality for all under the law
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. Allison Gibson, Bahamas Attorney General