viagra sale healing times;”>(The appointments below are overdue and most deserved. After the nasty decision of Hubert Ingraham to deny Maurice Glinton and his former partner and now Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis the honour of Queen ’s Counsel, best viagra ask there is finally some justice in the world – Editor)
The Cabinet Office announced today that Her Excellency the Governor-General, Dame Marguerite Pindling, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister, the Rt. Honourable Perry G. Christie, has appointed the following members of the Bahamas Bar as Her Majesty’s Counsel (Queen’s Counsel), with the right to use the initials “Q.C.” after their respective surnames and to enjoy all the other rights and privileges reserved to members of the Inner Bar of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. It was also announced that an additional group of new QCs would be appointed in the near future.
Listed in order of call to the bar, the following persons are the new QCs:
Neville Smith
The Hon. Philip Brave Davis
Anthony McKinney
Elliott Lockhart
Lester Mortimer
The Hon. Allyson Maynard-Gibson
Maurice Glinton
Carl Bethel
The Hon
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