The 113th Anglican Synod began in Nassau on Tuesday 14th October. The Bishop Laish Boyd gave his charge: a measured, viagra canada find reasonable address in which he urged the country to support the various difficult legislative measures that are now before us: VAT, viagra sale the Amendments to the Constitution on women’s rights and the Gaming Bills. Here is what the Nassau Guardian reported that he said in his own words. The photos show scenes from the Synod including the Archdeacons Kingsley Knowles, Harry Bain, Keith Cartwright, James Palacious and Ranfurly Brown in their gold copes. The Acting Governor General Oswald Ingraham and Mrs. Ingraham with the Prime Minister Perry Christie and Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis behind them; the Bishop giving his charge and the Chancellor Bernard Turner, Vice Chancellor Diane Stewart and Registrar Tanya Galanis in the lawyer’s wigs. Monsignor Preston Moss of the Roman Catholic faith is shown in procession. The students of the Anglican School St. John’s are also pictured in their signature green and gray uniforms. The photos are by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services.
In light of the recession, the proposed implementation of value added tax in the Bahamas will open up a new and challenging chapter in our lives.
With the onset of VAT, the cost of living and the cost of doing business will increase because VAT is a tax on goods and services.
Brothers and sisters, this is what the new year will bring for us. Let us bite the bullet and whether the implementation of transition. It will be an adjustment for us all but the long-term effects will be for our good.
It is what it is, so let us approach it with a positive and forbearing attitude, and a commitment to continue to expand this nation on all fronts, even in the area of taxation regimes.
Bahamians are sensitive about who gets Bahamian citizenship, as any national should be. However, I am of the opinion that a lot of us simply need to grow up and come into the real world. We cannot have different strokes for different folks i.e. different rules for men and women.
Thousands of persons are disenfranchise and traumatized because of this. Families we all know and love are in anguish and turmoil, and it is not right.
Do not see these amendments in terms of national prejudice or phobia about foreigners. See them as the fundamentally are: An attempt to bring justice and equality to our sons, daughters and grandchildren who desire to have their children and spouses qualify for the same rights that the other gender does.
They are an effort to bring about equality between men and women when it comes to passing on citizenship and, more broadly, to eliminate discrimination based on sex, i.e., whether you are male or female.
The concern is that this has the possibility of opening the door to same-sex unions. With the greatest respect to those who hold this view, I cannot see how this can be so nor have I heard any argument that spells out how it can be so.
Having fears and concerns is one thing, but do we denied tens of thousands of their rights based on “what if’s”? I do not think so.
These amendments are about establishing Gender equality and seek to equalize the means of transmitting citizenship. With the introduction of the talk about same-sex marriage does is have the effect of steering the discussion into matters that simply do not arise. I consider it to be a red herring.
The vote on these amendments is so critical to our integrity to justice as a nation. I shudder to think that we would go to the polls and vote against these amendments. What would we be saying to the world? That we do not believe in Gender quality? That we do not believe in equal rights of men and women to transmit citizenship to their children?
That would be an unfortunate reflection on out Bahamian integrity and society in general. I get a headache thinking about it.
I applaud the government for its intention to pursue this
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. I do not know what the exact terms of reference of that body will be but I do know this: that thousands of persons were made legitimate application for citizenship – some of them decades ago – and who’s applications have not yet been processed. Some have not even received responses.
This is something that needs to be addressed now, having not been comprehensively addressed by success of governments in the past, in my view.
We fully appreciate the extremely difficult position in which the government finds itself, especially the dire need to fund the most essential services in the country and to seek to track the vast sums of unregulated money which is which exist in and affect the overall economy of the Bahamas.
This has implications for us with many of our international financial and regulatory partners. The church has said what it felt moved to say. The government is doing what it feels it has to do in this matter.
We have to continue to sensitize our people to the addictive nature of gambling even as we find help and support for those who fall victim to what could only be termed a national scourge i.e. habitual gambling.
The church cannot even do all of the things that so many people call on the church to do. The reality is that it will take more than simply the church to heal the maladies of society. It will take many agencies and individuals, public and private, businesses, social and civic and religious, working together, to make a change. And it can be done.
The collective good that is being done by so many is keeping our two societies [Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands] now, holding them together at the seams, keeping them stabilized and saving them from utter and complete self-destruction.
The church and Christians are called to do what only we can do and that is to be faithful, to believe that God is still in charge of his world and to remain hopeful, hoping beyond hope, as the old testament prophets and writings teach us.