U S Secretary of State Marco Rubio
The world as we once knew it, at least since the Second World War, has changed or so it seems. There was this construct that we were taught, loosely called the Pax Americana. Through it, the Americans stood up for self-determination, for territorial integrity, for a set of rules that everyone would follow and that we had respect for countries large and small within those rules.
Donald Trump and his colleagues, although raised in the United States that created that world order, are ignorant of those facts and of that history. We believe that they are willfully so. They are crude and they are bullies, no manners and have no respect for people who are unlike themselves: white and male.
It is against that backdrop to date that we make the comments that we make.
The United States under this present president has turned on its friends with gleeful abandon and those friends have no choice but to stand up to a bully. The man who is president is foolish enough to precipitate a war just to have his way and in the process thousands will lose their lives and way of living. `
None of that matters to him so long as he and his friends and families survive and they end up having more money than they had before the war they started.
The ignorance of these people is astounding and they are so full of hubris in this ignorance.
What is also interesting is that the functionaries that they have working for them in their offices overseas, see nothing wrong with delivering the stupid messages that are insulting to the people where they have to serve. They carry out the foolish orders that they get, some of which are patently unlawful in international law.
This has to be the response to the announced decision of the United States, that because The Bahamas and other CARICOM countries hire Cuban doctors, foreign officials and that means ministers of the government will lose access to the United States, even though the U S has a treaty obligation to allow anyone into their country to represent themselves at the United Nations and the Organization of American States.
When you think of the trade war that has been started with Canada and with Europe, how strange is this? It is pathetic.
There is institutional failure in the United States. There is the failure of men and women to stand up to tyranny. The tea party that allowed the farmers to become framers and create the republic with checks and balances is proving to be unfit for purpose in the 21st century as the United States insults their friends.
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