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. One United Airlines pilots described the delay of an hour on the tarmac as “ Bahama time” or “ Island Time” not remembering that he was one hour late arriving from the United States. We guess that was “ America Time”. The reason is that there is heavy general aviation at the airport mixed in with the commercial flights on two days, the one after Christmas and the one after New Year’s. The Air traffic Control Union issued their own statement:
The Bahamas Air Traffic Controllers’ Union is currently not engaged in any industrial action despite our long outstanding industrial disputes. As mandated by the International Civil Aviation Organization, our professionals continue to provide safe orderly and expeditious service. We appreciate and take seriously our responsibility with regards to domestic and international commerce resulting from our aviation product and the subsequent effects a withdrawal of service could have on our national economy.
The Christmas season usually results in increased complexity and volume of traffic which plays heavily on controller’s stress levels and fatigue. As a result of the layout of LPIA’s movement and maneuvering areas, traffic saturation also affects the efficiency of arriving and departing aircraft. Delays therefore are sometimes inevitable as is the case globally.
BATCU continues to ensure the safety of the flying public.
Happy Holidays & A Prosperous New Year!
Lashan Gray