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sildenafil times;”>On Tuesday February 10th, 2015 some of the local Bahamian headline entertainers for the Bahamas
Junkanoo Carnival were announced. These include: Jay Mitchell, Theophilus Coakley (T. Connection), Obie Pindling (Visage) and Isaiah Taylor (BahaMen). The Tribune photo above shows the press conference where the announcement was made and the star of that show turned out to be Isaiah Taylor who said he was upset because no one could tell him who he would be the opening act for. Hmmm. One wishes life had such small problems. We find all this carping and complaining about every little thing about this Junkanoo Carnival to be over the top. KB took exception to the fact that Junkanoo was not in the name. Okay that was fixed. Then some people quit or were forced out because the Minister cancelled an outrageous plan to bring in Janet Jackson for a whole heap of money. They then came back. So that’s fixed. Now the artists are saying: tell me who I am opening for so that is a major headline. What about the bigger picture. Percy “Vola” Francis, leader of the Saxons and Winston “ Gus” Cooper, the late leader of the Valley Boys Junkanoo group went down to Rio to carnival in Brazil and came back with the idea that we had to do something to make Junkanoo a year round economic enterprise. Thus the carnival was born. Everything in it will be infused with Carnival. Artists like the ones who were announced at the press conference will be getting money and exposure for the first time from the public coffers but everyone wants to find fault. The most ridiculous of all is the silly FNM and their leaders who just oppose it because it’s the PLP who supported it. They say they will scrap the carnival but expand Junkanoo. Jesus help us from such silliness. This Junkanoo carnival is a marketing device to get people in our hotels during the down season. It is designed to give Bahamian artists and craftsmen anmarket for their art not just throw it away after the Christmas Junkanoo. But it appears those noble objectives have now become mired in politics. How sad. We think it is going to go on and it will be successful anyway.
Scheduled for the Cultural Villages on stages in Freeport, April 17-18th in Freeport, Grand Bahama and May 7-9th in Nassau, the top 19 semi-finalists of the Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival Song Competition will be featured. The top 10 finalists, will share the stage with a Grammy-Award winning artist and gain international exposure through their music on May 8th, 2015.
Roscoe Dames, CEO, Bahamas National Festival Commission shared how the Cultural Village will showcase the best in Bahamian music, art and entertainment. He emphasized the fact that the Commission is sourcing all local musical groups to perform throughout the season of festivities.
Co-Chair, Music, Fred Munnings Jr. said, “This is an historic day for The Bahamas
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. We have been advocating for a major investment in our music and now it is happening. Munnings added, “The Bahamas has always led the way in arts and will continue to do so.”