There was a comment posted on Facebook by a fellow who is simply the close friend of a lunatic and needs to go keep company in an insane asylum where presumably he will find good company. He is likely to find other friends cheering for him like Krissy Love, best viagra see cialis sale Steve McKinney, sildenafil nurse Ortland Bodie, and Ivan Johnson and Kevin Harris—all of whom unfortunately have a license to kill from the Bahamas government. Each week they specialize in doing that to people who are not generally in a position to protect themselves. The authorities do nothing, so their brand of nastiness proliferates. There is a particular disease that afflicts their affiliates. The problem with this fellow Mr. Archer is that responding to his foolish commentary just feeds on it but the stuff is so nasty and poisonous that it invites some limited response. Last week he was attacking the head of Grand Bahama Youth Choir Kevin Tomlinson. Mr. Tomlinson posted this note on Facebook
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By Kevin Tomlinson
It is so sad that despite all the negatives we see and hear going on in our country daily, we still have people like you Mr. Archer instead of making a decision to be a positive light in our community you have given yourself over to the shameful world of propaganda and the deformation of person’s character.
I have learned that a person’s name is more important than the pursuit for status or money and it is very important to handle a person’s name delicately and at all times show respect.
Sir , I feel really sorry for you because while you are wasting your time defaming my name along with the names of many others your lack of productivity and a sense of purpose will one day come before the great judge and the question remains what will you have to show for your time used?.
I choose to work and do the little I can with the little I know to help build the character of the youths in my country and by helping to create change in our country and by extension the world.
It is my prayer that you find your purpose before it’s too late because believe it or not all of us will leave this wonderful place called earth one day.
I encourage you to use you’re energy wisely , a good idea would be to go and invest some time into the lives of young men in your immediate community to help give them direction on how to become better men , since you are so passionate about this issue ,and allow you’re life’s legacy to speak for itself .
May his divine light guide you
Namus Dei
Kevin Tomlinson