Tony grant, buy cialis prescription aka Teej, best viagra former Guardian radio show host and commentator wrote the screed below on his Facebook page. It is abusive of politicians and simply not true. We really expect better from such an intelligent man. There is no obligation for an MP to consult any constituent on how he votes. When a constituent votes for that man, he votes to have that man or woman execute decisions on his behalf. That is the law. It would be wise to do so, to consult, but there is no obligation to do so and many times it is impractical to do so. What was interesting was to compare the political decisions of MPs to rape. Jeepers. Hyperbolic. It is better to operate from the middle ground. Measured in your views and expressions.—Editor
In other news, I definitely know that 85% of MP’s don’t care about the people in their constituency. I would love to know if they even consulted with them regarding the gaming bill and voted how they (the constituency) wanted that he/she (the MP) to vote. Hey MP’s, especially those in majority, let me tell you why we have NO confidence in you and we think that you guys are the shadiest thing created since awnings… You campaign on sh*t then pour champagne on sh*t; meaning you promise it then kill the promise, acting like it never existed. We don’t like you as a country, and it is because of your dishonesty and disloyalty to the people of The Bahamas. It’s like Columbus coming back to our shores again to rape our people and give us incurable diseases, because that’s how your decisions will affect us and stay with us forever
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— Teej Grant Facebook
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There are generally two types of democracy: “Lockean”, advocated by John Locke (1632-1704) – the stupidest of all Enlightenment philosophers; who also wrote the slave constitutions of the Carolinas. (See: “The Two Treaties of on Government”). Locke’s approach to democracy is that which we slavishly follow from the British and American traditions both of which emphasises “representative democracy”, or a system in which the voter gives a mandate to the politician to vote on issues as his representative. This system does not anticipate any consultation and where the voter feels aggrieved by his representative, he may merely vote him out at the next opportunity. The alternative democratic system is “Rousseauian”. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) – the French philosopher – which means almost necessarily that his ideas are unworkable. Rousseau believed representative democracy was not merely impossible, but immoral. He did not think that one person could represent the moral positions of another. Therefore, he could not and did not think that ‘democracy’ as such, could be wide-spread. Similar to Plato’s “Philosopher King”, Rousseau believed in an “Elective Aristocracy”, or democracy lead by the wealthy and enlightened citizens, who could represent their own interests, which would – because of the organisation of society at the time – deal with the interests of the great masses; whom Rousseau thought had no business deciding important issues. This is slightly similar in concept to W.E.B. DuBois’s concept of the “Talented Tenth” of the black race that was needed to lead the larger racial group. (Something also similar was attempted in South Africa after Nelson Mandela’s presidency in which a small group of educated Black’s (Black Diamonds), were given certain advantages. But as with most social experiments involving something for nothing, it ended in tears). So, if you want an example of Rousseau’s consultative democracy, look at California where the voters drove the state into bankruptcy or look at Switzerland, which is the best example…although it has been ruined largely by big Swiss banks. Either way, Bahamian politicians have no duty to consult; even though every conscientious believer in democracy probably would. Anyone demanding consultation must also ask whether the public, so politically partisan between PLP and FNM tribes, is capable of informed debate. As Winston Churchill quoted: “democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others”.