Steve McKinney Is A Fucking Idiot
Some folk including PLP colleagues of Fred Mitchell were bewitched bothered and bewildered by the performance of Stave McKinney on a radio show that he hosted on Friday 15th August. Mr. Mitchell is the only one not concerned. Mr
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. McKinney it appears has a fascination with Mr. Mitchell’s private life and what he does in bed. We are reminded of what Damien Gomez, viagra look the Minister of State said in the House the week before, people who have a fascination and preoccupation with this stuff have some kind of insecurity about their own sexuality. Oscar Wilde, pilule the writer who went to jail for sodomy in late 19th century England and is a hero of the gay community, got into trouble for saying on the witness stand during his trial when asked whether he kissed a particular fellow. He replied: “ certainly not, he’s much too ugly.” We leave that there. In The Bahamas one of the worst things you can call a fellow is big black and stupid. So we don’t do it. That would be racist.