Statement From The PLP Chairman On The Grand Bahama Port Authority

8 May 2024
This evening, two unfortunate, ill-conceived, misdirected statements were issued out of Grand Bahama responding in a combative manner to the Prime Minister’s address to the Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce. The statements were so similar that they can be accused as being authored and directed from the same mind and pen. No one is fooled for a minute that the Freeport Licensees Association are as they present themselves: independent of the operating minds of the Grand Bahama Port Authority.
We reject each and every material allegation, statement, charge, supposition, theory, assertion, or claim of both the Grand Bahama Port Authority and their surrogates. Their press releases were lame and will prove to be sickening, weak-kneed, and impertinent.
The so-called licensees Association ought to be ashamed of themselves. They have let the side down.
As for the Grand Bahama Port Authority, this is a time for silence, consulting your lawyers and stepping up to the plate and finding the money to make good what the Port has so far failed to do to promote and build a better Freeport.