So the protagonist and the antagonist are in their respective corners. After weeks, if not months of behind the scenes sparring Michael Pintard, the now Leader of the Opposition and Hubert Minnis, the former Prime Minister, are now in a contest to determine the future of the Free National Movement.
The party of the biggity Cecil Wallace Whitfield who broke away from Lynden Pindling and the PLP with the cry “ Free at Last!” is now setting out for a fight which appears to be existential and it appears that the party is in free fall. There is no good reason for Hubert Minnis to challenge Michael Pintard.
Mr. Minnis lost the general election in 2021. He lost it good and proper. He was a disaster as a Prime Minister. He was cruel to his citizens and led us through a disastrous economy, and mismanaged the country through the pandemic. He then went to the country with tears in his eyes after losing so badly to the PLP under Brave Davis, saying that he was sorry for the mistakes he made and that he was only human. His tears moved no one.
That is the problem he faces in his party and in his country. No one has forgotten his cruelty, his capriciousness, his incompetence, his arrogance. No one has forgotten his failures. The talk is that he is manifestly unpopular in the FNM, even as people recognise that Michael Pintard is a failure. Mr. Pintard is a loose canon and someone who picks too many fights, But better the devil they have now than the devil they used to have,
Shanendon Cartwright has been elected unopposed as Deputy Leader.
Dr. Duane Sands is being challenged as Chairman of the party by former Minister Elsworth Johnson.
For PLPs this is a side show. The party has its own issues with the performance of its MPs and the issue of branch relations with MPs but for these next few weeks as we lead up to the 1 June convention of the FNM the PLPs should buy plenty of popcorn because this is going to be a good show.
One thing we know is someone is going to get a good cut ass.
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