The report of the demand by Robert Myers of the FNM front organization called Organization For Responsible Governance took the front page of The Tribune Business Section 1 August 2019. Neil Hartnell who runs the page gave prominence to a demand from Mr. Myers that the PLP should say whether it commits to the goals of the Fiscal Reasonability Act. This is a sham piece of legislation which the FNM passed to show the world that it is commited to fiscal governance. It is not worth the paper it’s written on. It is simply another talking point for the FNM in their last election campaign and they mean to ride that horse with the help of organizations like Mr. Myers. Mr. Myers is not a credible spokesman on the issue of fiscal responsibility, since he himself is a tax cheat. The PLP made it clear when the legislation passed that the legislation meant nothing and that the Minister of Finance could easily declare that he was not going to stick by it. The PLP responded. The Tribune buried it within its pages and carried the headline that the PLP would not commit to the act. That is not true. The PLP said in the statement it will stick by any law once it is constitutional and administratively lawful. That is not saying the PLP won’t stick by the act. This is a lesson to all these PLPs who keep complaining about lack of public relations. The statement was issued but the statement was not carried by The Tribune in the same way the original demand was carried. So, we try to get our message out. What was laughable was that the Organization for Responsible Governance was asked to give a response. This time it wasn’t Mr. Myers but a faceless release in which they denied that they are a Fred Smith front organization. Pull our other leg. Best of all though was the denial that they are FNM. They claimed that they went to the House of Assembly and listened intently to what Chester Cooper of the PLP had to say. You older folk may remember when white people in the US were asked if they were racist, they would reply “ Oh no! Some of my best friends are black”. So there you have it, Mr. Myers defence is he is not anti PLP, after all some of his best friends are PLPs.