Shane Gibson decided that he would challenge the establishment of the PLP, the new day establishment. Perry Christie speaking at the memorial for Obie Wilchcombe a few weeks ago said that the way the PLP is structured, you cannot defeat the leader of the party. It is a salutary lesson, now that the dust has settled over the nomination for the seat left vacant by the untimely death of the Hon Obie Wilchombe.
There was a public back and forth, set up by the press to sell papers by using comments by the Chairman of the party who called no names and the responses of Shane Gibson in the papers. There were memes that immediately went around showing a boxing match between Mr. Gibson and Mr. Mitchell.
The battle is over now, if in fact there was one, so there is no point in arguing over spilt milk. It is what it is. To quite the former Prime Minister Perry Christe again: it is better to win doing the right thing than to lose doing the wrong thing.
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