He obviously had nothing better to talk about on Tuesday 25th February 2020. That was at the so called Town Meeting in the southern corridor of New Providence sponsored by the governing party the Free National Movement. At peak they may have had 150 people show up. The Prime Minister was said to be bitterly disappointed.
We wonder why since it should be plainly obvious that the government of the Free National Movement is the most unpopular government in the history of our country. They are being cussed left, right and centre. In the road, people are stopping you and saying that these fellas have to go and that they are taking us back into slavery.
In the meantime, the FNM government is having a good time. Every time they open their mouths they are patting themselves on the back saying what good boys they are.
To show how clueless they are about the real problems in the country, there was Peter Turnquest, the Deputy Prime Minister up in Green Turtle Cay with hurricane damage all around him and people crying out for help and action on the government’s part but he was busy trying to introduce a digital currency. It was like a scene from the Pink Panther.
You know the one where Inspector Clouseau played by Peter Sellers, tells the man with monkey to move along in the name of the law but right behind him the bank is being robbed. The hapless inspector is more concerned about the trivial than the substantive.
That is the story of Hubert Minnis and his administration. He told the country that they must reject the PLP on the issue of Peter Nygaard. This is a fashion icon who has a house in Lyford cay and who is engaged in a bitter battle with his neighbour a man named Louis Bacon. Neither and them are fit and proper persons to be in The Bahamas and should be asked to leave. For a better part of a decade they have been picnicking on one another and the Bahamas is the collateral damage.
Dr Minnis wants the public to believe that the PLP got money from Mr. Nygard and that for that money the PLP gave him favours. There is no evidence of that anywhere.
However, the Chairman of the PLP reminded Dr. Minnis of a meeting held at Traveller’s Rest with a representative of Peter Nygaard and an envelope passed hands and this was allegedly to help with Dr. Minnis’ campaign. The Prime Minister has not answered that allegation.
We expect that this will all come out in evidence when the Shane Gibson trial of his civil action against the Government takes place.