Sir Jack Hayward Dies
viagra sales sildenafil times;”>The mercurial Anglophile Jack Hayward knighted by the Queen in 1986, cialis sale health and the Co-Chair of the Grand Bahama Port Authority died last week on 13th January. He was 91. That means he had a good innings. He outlived his partner in the development of the modern Freeport Edward St George by 10 years. The last man standing of the troika that ran Freeport, the country’s second city, through much of the 1970, 1980s and 1990s is now Sir Albert Miller. Jack Hayward hated the PLP. He worked to get the PLP out of office and the former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham was effusive in his praise in his death. This came even though Jack Hayward trashed the FNM in the last years of the FNM’s time. Equally as effusive was the statement from the government without acknowledging the kind of troublesome fellow that Jack Hayward was; didn’t know what to say or when to say it. Nevertheless in death one ought to be charitable and at least say, he didn’t bail out on The Bahamas in the tough times. No funeral arrangements have been announced. He leaves behind a wife, three children and a female companion who was by his side at his death in his Ft
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