Simon And Front Porch Talking Fool
generic viagra discount times;”>The person who writes The Nassau Guardian’s column Front Porch is believed to be the amanuensis for Hubert Ingraham and they were at it again. This time in their column of Thursday 10 December blaming the PLP for the words of Leslie Miller and Wayne Munroe. Mr. Miller speaking at a funeral for the Queen College Teacher Joy McIntosh said that the women from the Crisis Centre were “fakes and phonies”. Mr. Munroe said that he believed that immigrants should be flogged. Now how the hell those get to the responsibility of the PLP we will never know. Each tub sits on his own bottom and only they are responsible for what they say. When the PLP wants to speak, healing it has a Chairman or a leader and Deputy Leader perfectly capable of saying what the PLP believes. Simon: go give it a rest.