By:Tye McKenzie
The whole ordeal of this national debate on the word ‘sex’ and ‘sexuality’ takes me back to the book I dreaded reading for English Literature some years ago in high school. I remember to date, discount cialis buy cialis this line ‘all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others’. I guess this proves, based on the intellect of some of our leaders, we’re still living on an Animal Farm!
Individuals who decide to like another individual of like mind or sex, is no issue to me. Thus, homosexuality is not problematic for me as I am not God and I shall not judge. As I have no place to judge. However, what is perplexing is the fact that those who do have problems with homosexuals are both demeaning and stunting the advancement of equality for Bahamians. Therefore, hiding their true feelings that sexes are not equal under the debate of sexuality and not the real debate of the sexes.
Sex and sexuality are two very different words with two very different meanings. Marriage between two sexes, according to the law and the Bahamian constitution, means ‘male or female’. Sexuality is the decision of one to be attracted to either the opposite sex or the same sex, their choice. Therefore, it behoves me to observe the downward trot of the public discourse of a bill that is set to place sex (being male and female) on equal footing and allow for persons of a male species and a female species to sue based on if they feel they are being discriminated towards based on their sex – that being a male or female.
I am saddened to recognize that Bahamians are still living in an era where we feel we should shun those of a different persuasion. When would we realize that we are not God so we must not judge? We say we based our living standards and ways of life on Christian Principles
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. Therefore, is not Love, Kindness, and The Golden Rule, all Christian Principles? Thus, should we not judge and accept them for who they are and allow only God to cast judgement?
Nonetheless, the issue here is far beyond sexuality as this is only the tip of iceberg. The real issue here is the fact that our prominent leaders within society are all hiding their homophobia along with their belief of sexes are unequal, under a veil and in the same vein, preventing the laws of equality to progress and our country to advance. As a well-respected country leader mentioned, if you say you hate gay people, state that. Allow that hatred to be debated on a different time and place. The issue here is not about homosexuality, the issue here is about allowing the both sexes to be equal under the law and have the same opportunities within our country.
Bahamians must understand that we live in a society that is beginning to advance and be open to many global issues. The success of our economy is intrinsically attached to the practices of our society and thus attached to the mobilization of our place in the global world. Unless we can feed ourselves, and produce goods and services to meet the demands of our population by ourselves without the world that surrounds us, we must acknowledge that need the world economy to survive. Therefore, the advancement of equal and fair rights of sexes and those of different like minds; sexuality, race, nationality or other creed must be addressed. The world is watching us.
We must learn to place our personal differences aside and allow equality to advance under the law. This isn’t about a battle of two sexes. This is about allowing fair equitable opportunities for the two, both male and female. If we say we understand our roles in society, then we should have no problem being equal to the person of the opposite sex. Insecurity and hatred should not dilute or be allowed to pollute the national discourse of equality.
Therefore Bahamians, if we say and would always boast of being the best littlest country in the world, let’s act like it. We must refrain from thinking with a third world mentality but yet boasting that we have first world way life for those to live. The issue of equality is to ensure those future generations to have a better life. We all have sisters, mothers, wives and best friends who are females. Do we not want for them to have the same opportunities such as we males do? I know I do.