On Wednesday 13 December 2023, Senator the Hon Michael Halkitis gave the guest presentation on the PLP chairman’s three times daily platform on What’s App. He answered the critics who have been preaching doom and gloom about our economy. It was a compelling presentation.
So what did he have to say. The economy is going great guns. The GDP to debt ratio when the PLP came to office was over 100 per cent. It is now down to 80 per cent and falling. He said that the critics have been preaching doom and gloom and they have been proven wrong at every turn.
As if to bolster his predictions of investment in the economy, Clay Sweeting the Minister of Public Works gave a press conference on Thursday 14 December 2023 in which he indicated that there would be an immediate start at fixing the roads in New Providence. That was s good sign. The roads are in bad shape.
What is also interesting is watching the Facebook pages and see the active work of PLP MPs and agencies, the PLP is tracking nicely.
So what next? Well there are micro issues that the PLP has to fix. Chief amongst them is the insensitivity of the public administration to problems of small people.
For example we still cannot rely on systems that simply respond to people when they apply for government services. The complaints are legion at Immigration, at Finance, particularly at the tax office and at the passport office. People just don’t think that they can rely on normal processes. They still think that you have to know someone to get a service and that the tax office has a personal vendetta against them. We must fix that.
The other is the issue of poverty, even in the face of record low unemployment. People can’t afford to bury their dead. They are woefully under prepared for any emergency that faces them.
That is a long list but as long as Senator Halkitis and the mandarins have us going great guns in the macro economy, we will have the wherewithal to fix it.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 16 December 2023 up to midnight: 436,770;
Number of hits for the month of December up to Saturday 16 December 2023 u to midnight: 740,496;
Number of hits for the year 2023 up to Saturday 16 December 2023 up to midnight: 20,783,129;