Senator Gibson On The Words Of Her Cousin Paul
Allyson Maynard Gibson, best cialis mind the Attorney General is the first cousin of Paul Maynard, the head of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation’s line staff union. Mr
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. Maynard was in the press last week saying that he could not trust his daughters with a decision to marry a foreign man so he was voting no for the amendment which would grant the right of foreign men married to Bahamian women to be able to apply for citizenship of The Bahamas life female spouses of Bahamian men now do. Here is how Mrs. Maynard Gibson answered her cousin as reported by The Tribune on 15th August
Yesterday, Mrs Maynard Gibson fired back at her cousin, who is also the grandson of suffragette Georgiana Kathleen Symonette.
She pointed out that as a single parent Ms Symonette reared four children, one of whom went on to become the Deputy Prime Minister, Sir Clement Maynard.
“Paul Maynard would never sit down next to his female cousins and say that,” she said. “In all seriousness, I’m not smiling about that.”
“Consider the subliminal message that women are not able to make decisions that affect them in their own interest, or in the interest of society. The majority of our households are single mother households, so the evidence is very clear that women can and do make sound decisions.
She added: “Look at the record, the facts of who is doing best in elementary school and high schools, girls. Look at our universities, College of the Bahamas and universities all over the world, who is excelling? Women.
So you are going to tell me Paul Maynard or anybody else who happens to have the same view that women don’t have anything between their two ears when they just want to make a sound decision that impact their lives positively, and it impacts the community in which they live positively?”