Senator Fred Mitchell Responds To The FNM Attack On Chester Cooper

For Immediate Release
27 August 2020
After reading the Deputy Prime Minister’s statement responding to the Deputy Leader of the PLP’s demand that the Treasury Committee of the House should meet and act, we in the PLP can only say Peter Turnquest is the proverbial ostrich with his head in the sand.
Mr. Turnquest missed the whole point of the Deputy Leader’s intervention. The public well is running dry and there is no rain in sight. Yet in the case of Mr Turnquest, he is like Little Jack Horner, patting himself on the back and saying, “what a good boy am I.”
The evidence does not support Mr. Turnquest’s view that all is well in the Treasury. Not with a 71 per cent drop in revenue and no plan to recover.
His reliance on charts and statistics reminds us of the saying “there are lies, damn lies and statistics.”
Ask the nurses who again after working the Covid shifts cannot as of this morning get the overtime pay due to them.