Senator Darron Henfield Is Wrong Again

So in the debate in the Senate last week Thursday 18 May 2023, Senator Darron Henfield, the former FNM Minister of Foreign Affairs, attacked the United Nations saying that like the Bahamian people were tired of United Nations telling us what to do. He was responding to the report to the Senate by Senator Ryan Pinder, the Attorney General, on the Universal Periodic Review which was just completed by the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland. Senator Henfield did not like the fact that there are some 200 recommendations and changes for The Bahamas to carry out its treaty obligations. First of all, no one is telling The Bahamas what to do. That comes off as an ignorant statement from someone who has held high office. The Bahamas has treaty obligations and we The Bahamas promote ourselves as a liberal democratic society. In line with that comes certain obligations and principles. All the Universal Period Review does is point out what you can do as a country to more sharply live up to those obligations. But we know what’s at work: homophobia. Senator Henfield and his homophobic friends need to grow up. It is a naturally occurring phenom in society and we have to live with it whether we wish to or not. So grow up.