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cialis usa decease times;”>Ambassador Elliston Rahming, The Bahamas Ambassador to the United Nations, hosted the Ambassadors from the Caricom region to a three day visit to The Bahamas including Eleuthera at the Island School as part of his role as Chairman of the Save The Shark Coalition. The Bahamas made a decision in 2011 to make The Bahamas a shark sanctuary which means no sharks can be caught in The Bahamas. The country wants to encourage other Cariocm countries to do so. Mr
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. Rahming and his guests were hosted by the President of the Senate Sharon Wilson at the home of herself and her husband Franklin on Thursday 12th March. The photo shows from left: Minister for the Environment Ken Dorsett, doctor Montel Williams, U S Celebrity talk show host and promoter of the Save The Shark cause, Senator Wilson, the Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell Ambassador Rahming.