The private school sports athletics competition took place over the past week in Nassau. It is one of the fiercest contests and rivalries in the country and is watched because these are the future Olympic and Carifta stars of The Bahamas. The rivalry is always in the last decade or so between St Augustine’s College, the Catholic High School in Nassau, and Queen’s College, the Methodist school in Nassau. Queen’s College was not very good at it before but went on a mad recruiting exercise over the past twenty years or so to recruit talent from across the country. The recognition is that success in sports attracts talent to the school and enhances its reputation. They defeated St Augustine’s several times but the record still belongs to SAC which calls itself the “ Big Red Machine”. This year SAC bested QC. The spread was 15 points and it reminded many of Junkanoo results. It was so close at the old Tommy Robinson track on Friday 8 March 2024, they had to check and check again before they announced the result in favor of SAC with 1275 points. Congratulations.