Rupert Roberts Spreads Misinformation On VAT
discount cialis medicine times;”>Rupert Roberts is the quintessential boy made good in The Bahamas. He started out working in a lowly post with Stafford Sands’ City Markets and now has ended up owning City Markets and has a virtual monopoly with his Super Value Brand. That should make him a brave soldier in the cause of the new and uninitiated. But not so. He has turned into a cranky curmudgeon, going from one bad cause to the next it appears in an effort to take his money to the grave. Not a kind reputation to have after so many years of success. Quite frankly we wish he would cut it out. Mr. Roberts is the kind of example that every Bahamian wants to showcase as the success of a small country where you can be born poor and end up rich within your lifetime by dint of hard work, sensible public policies and education. The Bahamas will implement Value Added Tax on 1st January. One of the merchants Gavin Watchorn who heads the competitor of Super Value finally said what we knew all along: the sky is not falling because of VAT. Mr. Watchorn made his comments to the Tribune on Tuesday 23rd December. He went on to say that many of the statements by critics were self-serving. Amen sire! Amen! This is a tax which is everywhere in the world and suddenly this is going to cripple The Bahamas
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. Never. To be sure there will be some demand effects but those will only be temporary. All this doom and gloom is silliness. Apart however from the doom and gloom, we are concerned about the misinformation that Mr. Roberts has been spreading about VAT. People are protesting that before the VAT comes in, his stores have been increasing the prices in the stores and blaming it on VAT when in fact it may in fact be plain old fashioned price gouging. From the time this VAT stuff was introduced you had Mr. Roberts complaining: he was going to close down the stores; four hundred jobs would be lost. Now he says that the price increases will be the government’s fault even if the merchants refuse to pass on the reductions in customs duty when VAT comes in, to the consumer. This is deceitful and Mr. Roberts should desist in fooling the public. We hope that the Consumer Minister Shane Gibson gets into the act and has more vigourous inspections of these stores and these prices.