Row Over BTC Bonuses
generic viagra nurse times;”>The Nassau Guardian published over the last week the fact that when the telephone company BTC was sold to Cable and Wireless, cialis canada try ushering in the era of the lousy telephone service we now have, advice the government paid out of the public treasury 1.5 million dollars to the executives of BTC for facilitating the sale. The public and the PLP were incensed. It was highway robbery of the Treasury they said. The evil one, maybe he’s still in Africa, had nothing to say. Hubert Ingraham engineered the whole thing and personally thanked the executives for what they had done. His lapdog Zhivargo Laing, the former Minister, was pissed as ever on the TV when he was asked about it. His attitude since losing office is neither humbled or chastened
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. His view was: ask the PLP. They have all the facts since they are the government, he said. He says no big deal really, the money was BTC’s anyway and it was just being held in the public treasury in trust for BTC. Whatever the case it strengthens the case for those in the PLP who would wish the foot dragging to stop and the Parliamentary Committee appointed to look into the fire sale of BTC and the robbery that took place thereafter. PLP Chair Bradley Roberts has called for answers and issued a statement in that regard. Prime Minister Perry Christie said that he has to walk a delicate balancing line between exposing the wrong doing and keeping the good graces of the company Cable and Wireless, the putative offender.