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Mr. Lynden B. Rose, who has been named Bahamas Honourary Counsul to Houston, Texas, and the Southwest region of the United States. |
NASSAU, Bahamas (Nov. 7) — Reinforcing its commitment to provide efficient and timely service to Bahamians in the Diaspora, the Bahamas Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced the appointment of Mr. Lynden B. Rose as Honourary Consul to Houston, Texas, and the Southwest region of the United States.
An active participant in Houston’s political, civic and philanthropic life, Mr. Rose is a practicing attorney and partner in the law firm of Stanley, Frank and Rose, LLP, in Houston, and is also founder of the LM Rose Consulting Group.
Mr. Rose previously served on the Board of the Regents of the University of Houston, his alma mater; the Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau; and the Harris County Sheriff’s Civil Service Commission. He currently serves on the board of Hermann Memorial Healthcare System, the largest not-for-profit healthcare system in the State of Texas.
Mr. Rose’s legal practice and consulting company’s clients include domestic and international organizations, and high net worth individual investors as well as elite professional athletes. He is married to Marilyn Rose, also a native of The Bahamas, and they have three children, Madelyn, Lynden Jr., and Lynnard.
In welcoming Mr. Rose to his diplomatic team, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Fred Mitchell said he hoped that this will increase the level of service to Bahamians in that area. Mr
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. Mitchell said a reception will be organised in Houston to introduce Mr. Rose to the community.
Commenting on his appointment, Mr. Rose said, “I look forward to cultivating and sustaining economic, commercial, scientific, cultural and educational relations between The Bahamas and the southwest region of the United States.”