Rollins Gets Clean Away Or Does He
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When people arrived at the PLP headquarters on Thursday 22nd January there were huge crowds, cars lined up as far as the eye could see and many wondered what this was about. Well turns out it was the fact that the press and the people there gathered were expecting the sword to fall on the neck of Andre Rollins, the rogue PLP MP, for attacking the leader Perry Christie in the House of Assembly. Mr
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. Rollins was at it again on Wednesday 21 January in the House. Shortly after a chat with the Prime Minsiter in the Committee room, he went upstairs and savaged the PLP again. He has to of course stay the course of this behavior, and make more and more outrageous statements to keep the intoxicating supply of headlines in the press coming. At evening’s end, he joined the black shirted Richard Lightbourne (FNM Montagu) in voting with the FNM to resurrect an inquiry into a case which Jerome Fitzgerald Acting Attorney General withdrew and ended the prosecution. The Government voted against it. Mr. Rollins voted with the FNM to open the inquiry. By all accounts then it seems that he is gone from the PLP. The press said a disciplinary committee of the PLP decided to recommend a six month suspension. That didn’t fly with the National General Council on Thursday night. They thought it was swatting a fly with a canon when a fly swat would do. Result was nothing is to be done. Mr. Rollins is free now to resume is attacks and descent into irrelevancy.