Roberts response to former MP Philip Galanis
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Bradley B Roberts

National Chairman
Progressive Liberal Party
27th September 2015
Roberts response to former MP Philip Galanis
“PLP promises Pie in the Sky Some PLP MP’s miserable and Lousy” – Philip Galanis
Former MP Philip Galanis has advocated in the Nassau Guardian on Sept 9th that the PLP needs new leadership and went on to back Deputy Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis to lead.
This past Wednesday on Guardian Radio Galanis proclaimed that PLP promises were Pie in the Sky and declared that some PLP MP’s were miserable and lousy.
These comments by Mr. Galanis are confusing at best as it would be foolish for him to claim support for DPM Davis while at the same time attacking the work of the very administration that the Deputy Prime Minister is a part of.
Galanis is fully aware that DPM Davis has been the Deputy Leadership since 2009 and Deputy Prime Minister since May 2012 and doubt seriously that he can get DPM Davis to agree with his personal, baseless attack on the Party and its MPs.
I ask Mr. Galanis to reveal his true motives for such attacks as he is providing no aid to DPM Davis who he claims to support with such juvenile comments.
The PLP’s many successes since assuming the mantle of leadership is there for a blind man to see and will be boldly and proudly highlighted at the Party’s November Convention.
I am certain the MP’s castigated will respond to Galanis at the appropriate time.
The PLP is the oldest political party in the Bahamas and encourages its supporters to air their concerns within the political structures of the organization. But I will add this much: When you have nothing with sense to say it’s best to be quiet.
All elected offices within the party can be contested by any member in good standing at the Party’s Convention to be held the first week of November at the Melia Hotel Cable Beach.
It is most unwise for any organization to attempt to wash its linen in public.