Revival Of An Old South African Play
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Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 1972.
At the height of the apartheid era, black South Africans are segregated and their movements controlled in every way possible. They are confined to townships, shanty town-like settlements outside the cities, and they must carry state-issued identity passbooks which allow them to travel, work, and live outside those townships.
A photographer named Styles explains how he came to pursue his dream of helping black South Africans hold on to their identities. Under apartheid, the ruling white South African minority receives the benefits of full citizenship, while the black majority exists under a system that deprives them of the vote, controls where they live, gives them permission to work, delineates not only who they marry but with whom they can fall in love, tells them where they go to school, and defines what they can ultimately become. For Styles, identity is captured in the image. Styles uses photographs he takes of his fellow blacks to help them remember who they are. When a customer enters his studio to have a photograph taken to send back to his family in one of the townships, what happens between the two men will change one of them forever.