The statement below was appended to the posting last week by this site in response to the comments made to the press by Pastor Emeritus Allan Lee of Calvary Bible Church. You can see from his response that he did not take kindly to what was said about his statements on homosexuals. He says that we must stop calling names. With the greatest of respect, cialis sales site an inspection of the text of our comment does not reveal that anyone was called names. This is not about Allan Lee in his personhood. What this is about is that Allan Lee is a respected voice in our country and he must come to understand that to say “I hate the sin but not the sinner” is in fact a distinction without a difference. The end result is that this kind of condemnation, discount viagra sildenafil wittingly or not, leads to the atmosphere of hatred toward people who are homosexual. On two points he is simply wrong. His reading of the Bible on the matter has been widely discredited. Read Peter Gomes The Good Book. Secondly, his understanding of the science of sexual orientation is also wrong. This is not a choice or a learned behavior but a natural state of genetic being. One does not choose one’s sexuality. In any event, what one’s sexuality is, is irrelevant. It is the content of one’s character that counts. We are again appealing to Pastor Lee and his brothers in Christ, to find Christ and to love their fellow human beings without being judgmental. In their churches, he is surrounded by homosexual men and women. The church could not survive without them. He and his fellow pastors must stop the statements which incite hatred and fear.
Lastly he should go read the story of Galileo and how he was imprisoned for stating a scientific truth that the earth revolves around the sun. It is a good example of how the church fell into grave error. Galileo recanted and was spared the death penalty and spent the rest of his days under house arrest. The Church finally apologized to his family in 1992, almost five hundred years later. ( Editor)
Pastor Allan Lee Said Last Week
Selahlee says:
Sir, your headline description me is absolutely erroneous. If there is anyone who promotes “hate speech,” it is you sir
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. If you objectively Compare your letter with mine, you will readily see that is true. We ( CHRISTIANS) seek to follow Jesus and His a Father (YHWH) re. hatred for sin while having love for the sinner. You use the “gun powder” word, “homophobic” simply for the purpose of invoking hatred from your readers toward those who disagree with your opinions. By doing this, as mentioned in my quoted letter, you automatically and according to your misguided logic, label yourself and those who agree with you, “Heterophobic.” Why not let’s dialogue about the issue itself. Is homosexuality basically and at its core, a choice of a particular way of engaging in a sexual act (sodomy), rather than an inherent, biological, usual/normal and genetic expression of a human being? Yes, there are genetic “mishaps” that result in “unusual” or “unnatural” results in a person’ life, but these are the exceptions, and in most cases, they can be corrected with proper care. It would be a travesty and a defiance of logic to call or recognize these exceptions as the norm. Let’s stop calling names to avoid dealing with facts and deal with them accordingly. I value your considered fact-based, logic and emotion-controlled response. SELAH!