To the believer in Jesus Christ, tadalafil clinic the sum total of life is to be found in the Holy Bible, specifically in John 3:16, “for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” This fully summarizes a human family eternal destination. That is to say, viagra sale if you die without having a personal relationship with Jesus, the Son of the living God, you are outside of the ark of safety and eternal damnation will be your portion.
On Friday, see 1st August, 2014, a state recognized funeral was held for the late Edmund Moxey. In attendance at the service held at the Anglican Church of the Most Holy Trinity was the Governor General, the Prime Minister and his Cabinet, the Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, Parliamentarians, Members of the Judiciary, and Heads of Government departments. Moxey was a former Parliamentarian and had just been designated a cultural icon for the 41st Independence celebration. So it was fitting that recognition of a state funeral was given to his family in celebration of his life’s work.
The Bible also teaches us that in church all things should be done in decency and order. This point, however, was forgotten and lost by the Leader of the Opposition, Dr. Hubert Minnis when he spoke at the funeral service. Dr
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. Minnis delivered what can only be described as a “rally speech”. This was a most unseemly, undignified, and shameless act; he sought to score political points in the presence of the Governor General. Dr. Minnis will do well if he is unsure how to behave to seek advice from the former Governor General, Dame Ivy Dumont on how you ought to conduct yourself at state functions.
Dr. Minnis should remember when entering the doors of the church that we ought to pursue the things that make for peace and to build up the common life; and, leave his gifts of bitterness at the church’s door and not shame himself and the people of our beloved Commonwealth.
Brian Seymour