Re. Fr Addison Turnquest Dies 5 June 2021

He was totally immersed in priestly duties by the time of his death but in the general election campaign of 1982, Addison Turnquest, Anglican priest decided to run for office for the Free National Movement. The late Sir Lynden Pindling had had a field day during that campaign with the right wing social philosophy of the priest and his fierce looking full beard and moustache. Sir Lynden through his nom de plume Q. E. Thomas in the party’s newspaper “ The Herald” called Fr. Turnquest “ The Ayatollah”, after the Ayatollah Khomeini who had gotten rid of the Shah of Iran and imposed a strict religious order on the nation of Iran. All of that is forgotten in this day and time, here is what Rev. Canon Sebastian Campbell under whom he served at St Gregory’s Anglican Church said of him in January of this year when he celebrated his anniversary to the priesthood. The Reverend Turnquest died of advanced liver cancer on 5th June 2021. Rest in peace: