QC Appointments Entirely Political
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. Johnson and Mr. Wayne Munroe were tut-tutting the fact that the appointments were done on a political basis they said, particularly since Allyson Gibson, Philip Davis and Damien Gomez were all cabinet ministers. Well, we have got news for them; appointments to everything in The Bahamas are political. A politician has to decide and even when you dress it up and say it’s the judges or the Bar that does it, it is still political. If the Judges or the Bar do it, you know it will be weighted heavily in favour of the FNM as it is already. God knows how half those people who have it already got it but for the political favour of Hubert Ingraham. So the PLP is in power now and they have given it to whom they feel is deserving. Is Mr. Munroe saying he is not deserving? Is Mr. Johnson saying that the three politicians do not have the legal qualifications to get it? Surely they jest?