Victor Rollins who was married and has children, best viagra shop once pronounced himself cured of homosexuality. Myles Munroe, viagra usa treat the anti-gay Pastor, search led a ceremony which was supposed to have crowned that conversion. Only thing is converting from homosexuality is scientifically impossible and hocus pocus science. Your sexual orientation is something that comes with you like the colour of your eyes, nothing you can do about it. It is like being left handed, some people just are left handed. In the old days they used to beat youngsters to force them to write with their left hand but as soon as they were no longer being punished they simply wrote with their left hands. That is natural and that is life. Today Victor Rollins is free of all of that nonsense and has left the foolish Myles Munroe and his fake cures and quackery with all that silliness all in Mr
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. Munroe’s simian like head. So here we are today printing the press release of Mr. Rollins at the end of Gay Pride Week in The Bahamas which took place in a private setting in Freeport, Grand Bahama. We congratulate Mr. Rollins for his work, his pioneering work in this area. The American President Barak Obama has called this the civil rights issue of our time. We agree and we thank Mr. Rollins for all his work in the face of insuperable odds
You may click here for the full release.