Response to Carlyle Bethel…Attack on Brave Davis about young Bahamians
Clearly that Lying Virus has now spread throughout the entire FNM with is latest victim being its Torchbearer chairman.
Philip Brave Davis is a leader that believes in the progression and advancement of All young Bahamians…Let’s take a walk down FACTS Lane
The Leader has met his goal to appoint a diverse Leadership Council which now consists of a balance of young and seasoned professionals and I am proud along with many other young Bahamians to represent my generation on this council…We, Progressive Liberal Party have elected National Vice Chairmen that consist of Young Vibrant energetic Professionals that are 35 and under. We are not a party that will use young people just to win a seat…like your Lying Leader Minnis did with Bain and Grants Town MP who was sent into exile only to become the token young sidekick in recent weeks.
We have established a Platform Committee that is once again Comprised of Young Bahamian Professionals that are Heads of various sub-committees within the Organization charting the parties policies to move this country forward progressively when we return to governance in 2022.
Listen, we get it the FNM are masters of deflection and distraction but one thing is unavoidable and quite clear the Bahamian people have buyers remorse and returning the to PLP in droves ….all we need for you to do is go to your Leader and tell him to ring the bell…Because the young people of the Bahamas support Phillip Brave Davis and the PLP and you will get the opportunity to see a dynamic and diverse Davis Lead Government Consisting of Young and Seasoned Men and Women come 2022.
One thing about the Progressive Liberal Party we know our history and what Our Father of the Nation did and at what age he accomplished his milestones. My Leader Philip Brave Davis believes in youth advancement of our country….What does Minnis believe…Never mind we clearly see where his heart and mind is when it comes to young Bahamians in the Bahamas.
So Mr. Bethel please come and grab those disinfecting wipes and try to wipe away that lying virus in your Organization. You should Focus on your leaders dismal performance, the rising misery index and his crash course to be the worst prime minister in the history of the Bahamas.
Clearly you and the FNM are shaking in your boots because you see that a Brave wave is coming with unwavering support of young strong Bahamians behind him. We stand with and behind our leader as we move FORWARD PROGRESSIVELY.