Professor Rex Nettleford Remembered
11 June 2024 University of The Bahamas

Fred Mitchell joined the showing of the film: Rex Nettleford Renaissance Man at the University of The Bahamas dining room. The Hon Professor Rex Nettleford died in 2010. He was Jamaican by birth but during his lifetime as an intellectual, a dancer, a writer, a professor, a trade union educator, the Vice Chancellor of University of The West Indies, and a Rhodes Scholar, he bestrode the Caribbean region like a colossus. Fred Mitchell said of the experience: ” Thank you to the niece of the late dancer and choreographer Shirley Hall Bass Professor Cristian Carole for inviting me to see the film. and to walk down memory lane. Rex was very much a part of me. I remember all the talks we had. I remember all the people in the film and their relationships with him and to me. I was fortunate to have known him. I remember the day he died and the day of his funeral. His words still infuse my public addresses today—a remarkable man. I miss him every day. ”