Branville McCartney who leads the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) is making himself look more marginal and foolish as the days go by. He is now reduced to seeking hysterical headlines to sell newspapers for Eileen Carron and Candia Dames. The latest foray into the press was his claiming that the amendments to the constitution that are proposed by the constitutional commission are going to lead to same sex marriage. We agree with Erin Green who represents the LGBT community in The Bahamas that this should not be used as an excuse to deny women the right to have equality. Mr. McCartney is beyond looking marginal. He is looking foolish, sildenafil troche someone who completely missed the lessons that he learned in law school, with an inability to comprehend plain, ordinary English words
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. He is now being made to be a liar. All around the political community there was talk of one of his members having a recording of Renward Wells MP telling that member that he had been directed by the Prime Minister to sign the letter of intent. Mr. Wells say it’s not true. Mr. McCartney could only come back with bluster, not with the tape. It now looks like what he said about the Prime Minister was a plain and bold faced lie. The things you do for politics. The Prime Minster Perry Christie responded last week with the statement below saying that he will file a legal action for those who allege he told Renward Wells to sign a letter of intent committing the government to a 650 million dollars expenditure.