Prime Minister Presents Recruits At Graduation
4 February 2022

New Entry 58 and Woman Entry 27, it is a privilege to offer you my heartfelt congratulations on the completion of your initial basic training in the Royal Bahamas Defence Force. You could have chosen a less demanding path, but instead, you chose a career of service, and for that, you have my gratitude and – I feel confident in saying — the gratitude of your fellow citizens.
Seeing all of you makes me so hopeful; I know it required great tenacity and determination to complete this rigorous training, so I know you are capable of great things. Today is not just a milestone, but a stepping-stone — you are now officially on your way in your professional military career.
On behalf of the Government and people of a grateful nation, we sincerely thank you for answering this call to service. I wish you the greatest success in your military careers. I know you will not forget the noble and steady purpose behind your enlistments. I know you will not only carry forward the legacy of excellence, but you will add to it in your own way. I know you will make us proud— Prime Minister Philip Davis.