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There was a story in the Tribune’s Business Section of Monday 19th January which quoted both James Smith, the former Minister of State for Finance and from the Inter-American Development Bank’s report on The Bahamas and its social systems. The Bank found a correlation between poverty and the ability of youngsters to finish school with qualifications. The report seemed to confirm what every MP knows and that is that the education system of The Bahamas appears to be failing our kids in the most fundamental way: not just in not preparing them for the life skills and tools they need to survive and make a living for themselves but more fundamentally even the two exams that students are to take to signal their readiness, most students cannot pass them. The poor are most venerable to failure, says the IDB. Now right now the Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald is busy trying to correct that issue with a number of initiatives but the report is sobering all the same. So many of the ills which we face as a society go right back to poverty. The fact is that during the Ingraham administration 2007 to 2012, poverty increased in The Bahamas because they scrapped so many social initiatives. The most recent figures show that the trend has not been reversed, despite the best efforts of the PLP to restore the attention of the country to tipping the balance back in favour of aggressive social programmes to be sure that people can eat and have adequate housing , transportation and health care. Crime is said also be tied to poverty. On that score we find ourselves in the peculiar position of trying to eke out a find of good news in a bleak picture of statistics: with statements like the one following the Police Commissioner’s Year In Review that crime is down but murder is up
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. We would like to suggest something. It again calls for money. We think that it is a bloody disgrace to us that Government workers are taking home 210 dollars per week at the entry level. So many people are making this salary. No one can make ends meet on that salary. The salary should be changed and changed dramatically to 310 dollars per week with the next national budget. People can’t buy food. They cannot pay their rent. They cannot get themselves to work or buy clothes and take care of their children on that salary. That means there is a broad cross section of the working poor in this country that we must know simply cannot make it without additional help. Let us raise the wage in the government service.