Political Protests At Junkanoo
sildenafil pills times;”>The people who support the policy on illegal immigration seemed to be having their say at Junkanoo with the demonstration below indicating their disposition toward civic activist Fred Smith. Another group headed by the political jack-in-the-box Rodney Moncur used the occasion to encourage the authorities to start hanging murderers. Interestingly enough that twit Fred Smith QC now wants the government to pass a law to make it unlawful for this kind of protest to take place on a Junkanoo parade. An interesting double standard
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. He and his front man on Facebook, former Trib editor Paco Nunez claim that this shows hatred in The Bahamas. But not apparently the same standard is to be applied when loony tune Fred Smith says that immigration officers are running Auschwitz in The Bahamas or are committing ethnic cleansing. That is not hate speech. Fucking jackasses. Fred Smith deserves what he gets.