Lincoln Bain and Maria Daxon, Richard Johnson, and Omar Archer have not two coppers to rub together. The four of them together are not worth more than a thousand dollars. Yet they are able to bring crowds out in buses, have slick video presentations online, and command the attention of the media. All of this takes money. So, if they don’t have it, where are they getting it from? There are just a few sources of money for politics in this country: Lyford Cay and Albany, the Grand Bahama Port Authority, the Sunshine group, the White Knights aka the Bay Street Boys, the Numbers men, and a few isolate black or white businessmen. Then there is the case of a politician who wants to be again the leader of our country, who has more money than sense and time to spare. The Bain, Daxon, Johnson, and Archer crew fit right into that description of a crowd for hire. It’s called political prostitution.