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The men and women of the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) and the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) are waiting for promotions, discount viagra ed both the junior promotions and the senior ones. The talk is they are soon to be out. The head of the police staff association FNM aligned Dwight Smith says that it is political interference that is holding up the promotions. Of course that seems a bit of a silly comment, since politics and politicians decide everything in government. Clearly most people get by on their merit but at the end of the day it is a political decision. That being said the point of our comment is that in this country public institutions are politically divided. The RBPF has the reputation of being FNM oriented and the RBDF being PLP oriented. In the organisations the back chat is always which officer is PLP or FNM. That is the modern Bahamas.