PM’s Brother Writes A Letter To The Editor
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cialis usa here times;”>Here is an excerpt from a letter to the Nassau Guardian published on 21st October by the brother of the Prime Minister, viagra sale Gary Christie:
cialis times;”>My brother MP, you still have a lot of work to do. Daddy always scolded me to keep his yard clean. I once left some wood in the yard for my Junkanoo costume and he berated me to clean it up, telling me that it will be the same wood someone will “lick” him in his head with when he came home from taxi driving at night. Your political backyard remains littered with crime, unemployment, absence of sufficient entrepreneurial initiative for Bahamians. The same pieces of “ wood” you beat the FNM in their heads with, they will use to come back at you full force unless you clean up that yard. I know you can. I know you will.