Friday, 2nd January 2004
shortly after the end of the State Visit to The Bahamas by the President
of South Africa, I departed for the Republic of Haiti to represent the
people of The Bahamas at the celebration of Haiti’s 200th Anniversary of
Independence. I also represented the peoples of the Caribbean Community
at those celebrations. The ceremonies were impressive and were carried
out without incident. I attended a cultural programme in the evening
and a State Dinner.
During the visit to Haiti, I spoke with President Aristide about certain matters of bilateral importance, including dates for the signing of an accord between The Bahamas and Haiti on Immigration matters.
Acting on behalf of the Caribbean Community and along with President Mbeki, I took the opportunity to discuss the Caricom Initiative with regard to the political situation in Haiti. The mandate of the Parliament in Haiti expires on 12th January, 2004 and since fresh elections cannot yet be held, the Constitution allows the President to govern by decree.
In the continuing effort to assist in the positive resolution of the situation in Haiti, the Caribbean Community is to assemble a Fact Finding Mission. The Mission will be headed by Deputy Secretary General Colin Granderson of Caricom and our own Ambassador Joshua Sears is to join the technical team of the Mission.
President Mbeki and his Foreign Minister are continuing discussions in Haiti and have agreed to inform me of their findings.
I have come away from my short visit to the Republic of Haiti with the strong impression that The Bahamas can best further its own interests through the pursuit of our own, separate initiatives with the Government of Haiti, as we are the State within Caricom with the most significant Haitian migrant population. We are also the State within Caricom that bears the heaviest economic burden of the Haitian problem. In this regard, I have asked Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell to examine and follow up on a possible set of separate initiatives to do with the Republic of Haiti.
In addition to myself, The Bahamas delegation comprised Foreign Minister Mitchell, Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe, Attorney General & Minister of Education Alfred Sears, Minister of Transport & Aviation Glenys Hanna Martin, Ambassador Joshua Sears, Mr. Carlton Wright, UnderSecretary for Consular Matters in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commander Godfrey Rolle, also UnderSecretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Thank you very much.